Emailing is an essential tool for attracting customers or potential customers and keeping them informed about the latest news or current promotions. An awesome tool! However, only 15% of emails sent every day in the world are opened. And rightfully so, too many campaigns have bugs that prevent them from reaching the main goal.

10 Mistakes To Avoid In Your Email Marketing Campaign

So, what are the mistakes to avoid at all costs? We’ve listed 10 of them for you to put the odds on your side for the success of your email campaigns. So get your pens!

1. Do not hide campaign recipients

By not keeping the list of buyers, the company risks being seen as an amateur and hated by the greatest number of people. Recipients must not have access to the sending database.

In B2B, buyers can use this list to build their own database.
In B2C, there is nothing more frustrating than scrolling through the entire recipient list to finally get to the message, this is even more true on mobile and tablets.

2. Missing links

What about links that don’t work when clicked? A dead or incomplete link frustrates the Internet user, who cannot access content that interests him in one click. So the message will go straight to the trash, worse yet, the recipient will unsubscribe… Not good for the company’s image.

That’s why it’s important to double-check the links pointing to the site. The company’s image is in danger!

3. Ignoring the subject of the message

neglecting subject in your emails

How many emails contain neutral objects and not vendors? Too much… And yet, that’s the first sentence recipients will read when they receive the email. It is this hook that will encourage them to click or not to click. It would be a shame to neglect this!

Be careful not to overdo it with messages that are a little too salty. People are increasingly cautious and pay little attention to excessive commercial emails: this is not surprising given the number of messages they can receive per day!

So the hook of the message should be asking people without doing too much. Humor and originality are often welcomed. To stand out, you have to stand out from the rest!

4. Random sending frequencies

On the contrary, bombarding your recipients with messages is far from an effective strategy! The message might end up in the “junk” folder. But it’s also not good to allocate sending times too much. We must not be forgotten!

Therefore, it is necessary to find the right balance in order not to disturb the subscriber while maintaining the relationship. A tip: Experiment to find the best posting frequency!

5. Neglecting Content

The content of the message should be treated the same as the form. A design and ergonomic message will pop up, but a neat email with original content will READ.

Be careful not to put too much, though. You have to convince in a few seconds. The Internet user knows at first glance whether to read the message or not.

The ideal is to use keywords, images, and content on a specific topic without putting too much emphasis on it. A good image-to-text ratio is a key to success.

6. Emphasize the Call to Action

Call to action

A CTA, in English “Call to Action”, is a link in the form of a button or image that encourages the user to take an action. For example “Register”, “Subscribe”, “Have Fun”, “Learn More”, “Add to Cart”…

An email that neglects this item is useless. It should be highlighted in the message. Second, it will increase the conversion rate of the campaign.

7. Sending unresponsive email

In 2016, sending an unresponsive email (adaptable to all screen sizes) is no longer possible, especially with the proliferation of mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones, and even connected watches.

Did you know that 2/3 of emails are opened from mobile? Now yes and this trend is increasing year by year. So we are updating!

8. Not testing your campaign before submitting it

A/B Testing

Submit your campaign without testing, don’t you think?

This is the time to check links and pictures and view them on different screens (tablets, mobiles…) and different messaging platforms (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook…). These tests are very important!

9. Not analyzing the fallout

Sending an email campaign without analyzing its impact is like selling without knowing your margin: Useless! Opening rate and conversion rate are very important to know the impact of the campaign. These results make it possible to understand many things: what works and what doesn’t, and to make improvements at certain points for future campaigns to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

10. Do not segment your database

If a company wants to acquire new customers, it should avoid sending existing customers the same way as unsubscribed Internet users. The brand image would take a big hit.

That’s why it’s important to always update your database and segment it according to different criteria depending on the campaign’s goals. This seems obvious, but many emails are sent to unsubscribed people.

There are many professional solutions for sending email campaigns that take into account the different points we are discussing today.

Final thought

These ten email marketing mistakes should be avoided at all costs in your campaign. Write messages that are relevant, clear, concise, concise, and use appropriate language. Make sure buyers have an easily accessible alternative way to contact you. What’s the worst email misfortune you’ve ever had? Tell us about it.

As you can see, there are a lot of things to think about when it comes to writing business emails, and there are many mistakes you can be aware of to make sure you don’t make any of them. The more mindful you are, the better you will be at communicating at work.

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