Summary: Make your email marketing campaigns successful. Implement our 5 Principles for your lead-generating email strategy.

Email Marketing Strategy

Email marketing (or emailing) is a communication strategy used mainly in a commercial approach with a company’s contacts. Emailing is an effective method for:

  1. promote a product, service, and/or brand
  2. increase your sales,
  3. drive traffic to your site,
  4. retain your customers
  5. personalize your communications.

Moreover, contrary to certain received ideas, emailing is not dead! In 2017, more than 156 million emails were sent every minute. This statistic jumped almost 20% in 2018, to 187 million emails per minute.

49% of people immediately check their emails when they wake up.

– Source:

Emailing is a way to reach a large number of people. For marketers, the main goal is to generate leads and even sales. Of all digital tactics, this is the oldest and most established. Moreover, it is by far the most efficient and profitable when used wisely.

How to succeed with your email campaigns?

Emailing is a fundamental element of an effective digital marketing strategy. How to send mass emails to everyone while respecting the confidentiality and data management of our contacts?

If your business emailing campaign is poorly executed, you will disturb your recipients or even more… In return, it is quite possible that your reputation will suffer and therefore your business.

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In this blog post, we discuss 5 principles for successful email campaigns that generate leads.

1 – Choose the recipients of your emails carefully

As mentioned earlier, emailing anyone serves you well. Spam is not very popular!

If your recipients consider you a spammer, they will delete your emails and flag you as a spammer on their email platforms like Gmail or Outlook. Thus, it is recommended to ensure that the topics addressed in your email are in line with the interests and/or needs of the recipients. If you want to check your reputation, use a tool like or

One of the most popular ways to collect email addresses is through signup forms on your website or social media.

Otherwise, there are also alternatives such as within your company you can:

  • Ask your colleagues to share their address book
  • Embed a paper form in the sales report
  • Set up Incentives: for example via promotions or contests

On your website and social media profiles

  • Ask your fans and followers
  • Share your latest newsletter
  • Include a link in every blog
  • Include a reminder on every web page

During your field actions, events, or networking session:

  • Display a panel with a QR code
  • Display a list to sign

In your emails:

  • Integrate sharing options
  • Add a “Forward to your friends” button

By correctly targeting the audience of your email, the benefits are as follows:

  1. You do not run the risk of being identified as a spammer.
  2. the opening and click rates of your emails will be satisfactory.

2 – Smartphone compatibility

Today we live in the age of smartphones. Thus, everyone prefers to check their emails immediately on their mobile.

According to the SNCD, 52% of internet users check their emails on their smartphones.

To prevent your emails from being deleted due to poor display, make sure your emails are optimized for all types and versions of Smartphones. All text blocks, all images, and all call-to-action buttons must be suitable for any device and/or browser.

50% of people will delete an email that doesn’t display correctly on their mobile or tablet.

– Source:

Don’t forget that the user experience is a key factor in the success of your emailing campaigns and therefore your sales.

Ecommerce Marketing Automation

How to provide the best user experience for smartphone users?

  • Make text font bigger on your website
  • Enlarge call-to-action buttons.
  • Shorten contact forms
  • Reduce the size (and therefore their weight) of the images in order to improve the download
  • speed on the site.

3-Marketing automation

marketing automation

Now that your database is clean and your campaigns are recurring, why not automate your email?

Thus, you minimize any type of human error and save time. There are many software programs that allow you to automate your email marketing campaigns according to your needs.

Highlight lead vacuum cleaners in your posts. The latter encourages Internet users to give their contact details in exchange for generally free information. Newsletters, eBooks, or white paper signup forms are good examples of lead vacuums.

Another Tip: Segment Your Lists

According to research by Emarketer, “39% of email marketers who segment their contact lists saw increased open rates and 28% saw better deliverability and increased revenue.”

Mailing list segmentation allows you to send personalized emails, and even classify your contacts according to certain criteria.

Here are 7 examples of criteria:

  1. Demographic
  2. Center of interest
  3. customer status
  4. Click-through rate
  5. Buying behavior
  6. Value of their average basket
  7. VIP customer

We also advise you to set up an automatic responder (autoresponder) with Getresponse for free.

An autoresponder is a pre-written message received by anyone who completes the form providing their contact information. You can send them a thank you message, show them a special offer after a certain time, or even show them brochures to download.

An autoresponder creates a good first impression on your prospects because they receive an adequate and prompt response. You can also send them content with the aim of positively surprising them.

By implementing this automation, you optimize your email marketing strategy.

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4 – Be open to new ideas and feedback

Often your customers and fans use social networks like your Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter page to share their feedback on your products/services. Sometimes they also use it to suggest new ideas.

Your marketing campaign emails should also offer this opportunity to spark such a conversation. For example, your customer or prospect can alert you to an error in a message by simply replying to the email they received. Then this step can trigger a short conversation. With a message in the email address “noreply@…. he wouldn’t have answered and the conversation wouldn’t have happened.

Always offer your prospects the option to unsubscribe from your emails. Whatever the reason for unsubscribing, don’t hold them back. Otherwise, this situation may lead to spam declarations, which is worse. Required by law in many countries such as the European Union and Canada, include a clear and easily visible unsubscribe link, usually in the footer of the email. Then, ask an open-ended question in your unsubscribe form asking them their reasons for unsubscribing.

5 – Test!

Multivariant testing in emails

The last tip, test and retest your automated schemas before sending emails to your mailing lists. It is essential to check if everything works as expected with a list of tests.

The A/B testing method is the rule for email marketing. Its goal is to optimize the performance of your email by comparing the differences between 2 versions: version A and version B. By measuring criteria such as the click rate and the opening rate for each version, you easily identify the impact of criteria such as the time or day of sending, the title, the name of the sender, the visual, the texts, or even the calls to action on the performance of your emailing campaign.

Today, email marketing is the most profitable way to generate revenue from your customers, as shown in the following table.

If you follow our 5 tips, your email marketing campaigns will become more effective.

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