We’ve all heard the old cliche – less is more.

However, is this really true?

When it comes to web design, the answer is yes.

Simple website design offers benefits that are unmatched by even more complex websites which are:

1. Simple Website Design is Timeless
2. Simple website design leads to more conversions
3. Simple website designs load faster
4. General design meets customer expectations
5. Simple website designs are easy to customize
6. Simple website design looks professional and reliable

7. Simple website design is universally attractive

Why Is a Simple Website Design Better?

Even if you like the look of the elaborate designs, the function wins every time it is designed for simplicity.

Digital marketing expert Neil Patel explains:

I have often seen websites trying to jam more information in a very small space. Navigation is confusing and overwhelming to anyone viewing the site. If it starts to look like your website layout, it may cause your conversion rates to be unsatisfactory. Even if you do not think your design is too cluttered, there is always room to improve.

Taking the time to streamline your website will create a better customer experience and make your business better.

Now, Let’s try to find out Why simple website design is better?

1. Simple Website Design is Timeless




In the world of website design, time moves fast.

Web design trends come and go, new styles expire very quickly.

One of the only trends that have been relevant since the advent of the internet has been the simple website design.

Using a simple design means you do not need to update your site frequently as it is out of date.

Some business owners choose a timeless, minimalist design theme because they can go through the years without making changes to their websites.

However, other business owners need to constantly update their websites to keep up with emerging modern design trends.

2. Simple website design leads to more conversions

A website landing page is a specific type of webpage whose purpose is to change.

The Golden Rule for Creating a Well-Changing Landing Page?

Keep it simple.

Simple design makes it easy to draw viewers’ attention to the most important area of ​​the page — and, if you are looking for conversions, it is your call to action.

Navigating a cluttered interface is not fun. It can be confusing, overwhelming, and frustrating.

And, it makes it harder for users to find and fulfill the Call to Action.

Here are two easy ways to simplify your web design to improve conversions …

Study after study has shown that simple website design increases conversion rates compared to highly decorative complex websites.

Many e-commerce store owners have also reported a huge increase in sales after simplifying their websites.

Trying to boost sales by pulling out all the bells and whistles can be exciting, but trying too hard can actually have the opposite effect.

People don’t like it when they think someone is trying to sell them something.

In fact, shiny page designs avoid conversions.

Meanwhile, sites with minimal design elements allow visitors to shop easily …

Or get important information without realizing that someone is actively trying to do it for themselves.

This does not mean that there should be no pictures, videos, or attractive colors on your website.

Instead, you should use these elements in ways that highlight low and critical conversion points or CTAs:

“Add to Cart” button, lead form, newsletter subscription box

3. Simple website designs load faster



website load speed


Website load speed is very important for user experience; And, as a result, for your business.

Did you know that visitors start leaving your website after a few seconds of loading time?

Between 4 and 5 seconds after your website loads, 20% of visitors have already left your site. From there the number increases.

And, of course, search engines take into account your website load time when calculating your ranking. Faster load times mean higher positions in search engine results.

If you want to optimize your website for speed – what you need to do – complex web designs are the enemy. Checkout the speed of you website with our free tool.

So, skip the complicated graphics. Simplify detailed layout.

Minimize your photos and graphics to speed up load times. Cut out your copy and compress your video files.

Faster load times keep visitors longer, create a better user experience, and also increase the chance that visitors will find your website in the first place.

We use and prefer the service from dotcom-monitor to monitor our site speed and performance and identify potential issues.

4. General design meets customer expectations


simple website design


Individuals have specific expectations for the layout of certain types of websites.

Have you noticed that many of your favorite e-commerce sites have a similar layout and design options?

Because they are following the layout pattern that is expected to maximize conversions.

If your website visitors already know where to click on your site to get to where they want to be.

They are likely to become customers even if they have not visited your site before.

Users generally expect to see specific items in specific areas of the site. It also includes:

  • The clickable logo in the upper left corner brings them back to the homepage,
  • Menu or navigation bar at the top of each page,
  • And contact information at the bottom of the page
  • Other popular conferences you may consider using on your site include shopping cart icons for
  • customers …

To see their cart if you are running an eCommerce store. Additionally, you can add a search bar at the top of the page. UI v/s UX learn the difference

Websites that are far from the expected layout run the risk of confusing their visitors.

There will be some credibility with the simple website design that follows the expected traditions.

When your website is familiar and easy to navigate, it eliminates the learning curve and speeds up the process of turning visitors into customers.

5. Simple website designs are easy to customize

The more complex your website is, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

Also, updating on an overly detailed site can be a nightmare.

By keeping your website code clean and simple, you can avoid …

… or countless hours when your web developer needs to maintain your website in the future.

Eventually, it’s time for you to update your website.

6. Simple website design looks professional and reliable

A clean, simple website design will legalize your business. This builds trust and gives users a chance to come back to your site later.

A recent survey found that 48% of people determine a business’s credibility based on its website design.

In fact, many Internet users report that the performance of a website directly affects how much they trust the business.

So how do you get this beautiful yet simple style on your website? The answer is white space.

White space is the space that appears in the margins of your website as well as between words, letters, images, and captions.

Effective use of white space allows users to focus on one part of your website at once, streamlining the conversion process.

Whether you need to fix a bug or add new information, the simpler the design of your website, the easier it will be to make those updates.

Simple website design is important not only for user-friendly navigation and conversion-centric layout but also for easy general maintenance!

7. Simple website design is universally attractive


website tips & trends in 2021


A study conducted by Google has shown that websites that look sophisticated are consistently less attractive than websites with a simple website design.

A simple website design can quickly build trust with your website visitors.

Meanwhile, websites with too many images or different colors and fonts leave a first impression of being spam.

Regardless of your target audience, they are more likely to trust your website and easily navigate it if they have a minimalist style. Learn how to increase traffic of your website.

Older audiences sometimes find it difficult to read text on fancy fonts, darker themes.

And, huge blocks of text without much space.

Similarly, young viewers are more likely to be distracted by many pictures and videos.

The best way to optimize your website for all audiences is to make it easy.

How To Rock A Simple Website Design?

“Simple boring!” I will listen if you say so

And, I grant you that a simple website without brand identity or attitude would be boring.

But, a good branded and deliberate website is so much beauty (and performance)!

So, how do you make sure your website is awesome instead of boring?

Work hard on every design element
Every element of your web design must be consciously selected.

Every graphic, copy layout, and font should convey as much information as possible about your brand. For best WordPress themes click here.

Your web design should not have arbitrary choices.

Lines, angles, sizes, and color choices should all be compact with brand information.

Start from the source

All your visual branding options should come from your brand logo. Your logo design should visually transform your brand identity.

So, get started there when making artistic choices for your web design. Inspire your color hints and style from your logo.

And, of course, display your logo on your website.

Use visual acronym

Take advantage of prototype design guidelines for your industry.

Study your competitors to find common ground between your sites. And then use items related to your business.

Under no circumstances should you steal design details – it is illegal. And, it looks like your competitors are not serving your business well anyway.

But, look for wide strokes that all of your competitors share. And then incorporate them into your design with your own distinctive description and branding.

Prototypical design elements help visitors land quickly and give them confidence that your website is orderly and reliable.


Throwing away everything you get to make your website as impressive as possible is exciting.

But, as with most things that try so hard, that approach does more harm than good.

Try to streamline your website thoughtfully to give the most impact to minimalist design and your business (and customers!) Will thank you.

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  • jerif
    Posted December 16, 2021 at 12:36 am 0Likes

    Really amazing and informational piece of content a lot of thanks!!!

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