Social media marketing plan:

A social media marketing plan is a summary of everything you plan to do and hope to achieve on social media. It guides your actions and lets you know whether you are successful or not.

The more specific your plan, the more effective it will be. Keep it short. Don’t make it so lofty and wide that it’s inaccessible or impossible to measure.

In this post, we’ll walk you through a nine-step plan to build your own winning social media strategy.

Social media has become indispensable and sometimes its main use for the younger generation.

So definitely 190 million emails are sent in 1 minute in 2021, but also 59 million messages are sent on WhatsApp and Messenger… not to mention 1.3 million connections to Facebook or other social networks.

The Key to success

With your Social Media strategy, you will define “why” you need to go there and what you want to do there, and with your marketing plan, you will define “how” you will achieve your goals operationally.

The key to success is knowing where to focus your efforts (time and money), and what priorities to follow…

To be successful in your communication, you should set a plan outlining everything you plan to do concretely (which social networks, what goals, what does it mean, etc.).

The more specific the plan, the easier it will be to implement.

That’s why it’s very profitable to spend 2 hours defining your strategy and then putting it into practice throughout the year.

In fact, most Social Media strategies include priority areas, highlights, etc. is defined throughout the year, but the action plan is revised quarterly based on results, development of priorities, and opportunities that arise. presented…

The topic of social networks is vast and can sometimes be confusing when it comes to creating content, making the most of your time, and choosing between advertising and natural virality. to make your customers Fans of your brand.

Therefore, the first reflex is to start by posting content on social networks according to inspiration.

The results are often disappointing:

  • Posts that generate few interactions or shares
  • The content seen and reviewed compared to your competitors
  • A glitch in the release schedule (we release when we’re not in a hurry)
  • No one is truly “responsible” (with results to be achieved and a budget), so there is no need to make it happen.

The impact of a social media marketing plan

The purpose of this article will be precisely to offer you a simple and effective approach to creating an effective social media marketing plan.

You can then implement your strategy yourself (with a private or part-time employee) or call a Freelance community manager or an agency.

In times of influencer marketing and viral content, the impact of a social media marketing plan is uninterrupted. Nowhere does information spread faster than on social media. And for good reason: It’s home to billions of people consuming and sharing content.

Some users have achieved true excellence in this field and become social media stars. Companies, on the other hand, are quickly overwhelmed by the diversity of social networks. While old giants like Facebook offer more features, at the same time new social media platforms are popping up.

9 steps to leverage a successful social media marketing plan

9 steps to leverage successful Social media marketing plan

Below, we’ll show you how to identify the right channels for your content in this thicket and how to use them optimally. So, let’s start with 9 steps to leverage a successful social media marketing plan.

1. Define your goals

First, think about what you want to achieve for your company. Then use this drawing to design your social media strategy. For example, you want to increase brand awareness, get users to engage more with your content, increase conversions and retain customers. You also want to be able to measure your results.

2. Identify your target audience

Build a buyer persona for your product. It makes sense to research the demographics of your target group. You can then use this data to envision a typical member of that group. What might this person be interested in? What are their challenges and problems? Now you know your buyer persona. This gives you the opportunity to post content on social networks that is precisely tailored to the needs of your target audience.

3. Be accessible and clear

The calculation is simple: if users find your social media presence attractive, their interest in your company will increase. Therefore, you should use an inclusive way of writing about your social media activities. Those who try to impress with educational language and sarcasm are more likely to alienate readers.

In general, explicit messages are well received on the social network, for example, so-called “snack content”. This buzzword hides content that has a manageable information value, which is especially popular. These can be mini clips, infographics, Instagram stories, or short summaries.

And: Since the attention span is pretty short for most users when browsing the timeline of TikTok, Instagram & Co., easy-to-consume content can be shared especially through social media channels. That’s why it’s important to deliver content with precision and candor, rather than drowning it in the news feed with a polished tone.

4. Harness the power of storytelling

Statistics show that 78% of internet users worldwide are active on social networks. There you mostly consume stories – about people, events, and all sorts of other things. Therefore, your goal should be to engage potential customers through effective storytelling. With this golden principle of content marketing, you build a human relationship with customers and give your company additional meaning for them.

Think about what makes your personal story special. Focus less on your company history and more on why you do what you do. Tell it concisely and appeal to the emotions of your audience. Because that’s how you stay in the memory.

A useful model in this context is the “Golden Circle”. It helps you keep your target audience and tone of voice in mind while producing content. This way, you can achieve optimal brand storytelling and sharpen your company profile.

5. Create different channels

Social media marketing channels

Getting the most out of social media marketing requires you to be active on multiple fronts – but don’t overdo it! For example, consider three channels that you can sustain (provide) continuously. Then focus on the channel that does it best first.

You can also segment within a social media channel (or “stream”). To do this, you define different types of users who follow you. For example, a meaningful classification is made of fans, competitors, and influencers.

Such lists make interaction and social media monitoring easy: decide which posts you want to see. This gives you a better overview and you can decide at a glance whether you’d rather share relevant articles from other marketers or congratulate a customer on purchasing your product.

6. Keep a blog

You know: you ask yourself a question, you google it and you finally find a useful resource. The answer is usually just a few clicks away. You can use this effect on social media to keep users aware of your company through a blog. Because regularly published blog posts are a constant and informative source for new posts. They perform best when they answer frequently asked questions.

Think about the buyer persona and the “buyer’s journey”: What do they have in mind? What are their questions, challenges, and problems? Provide answers on your blog! Because if potential customers find your content useful, you should ideally share your content on social media as well, thereby increasing your reach.

7. Schedule your posts

Sometimes the unexpected happens and things get messy. However, providing content to your channels regularly and reliably is crucial to the success of your social media strategy. It is recommended that you use a scheduling tool or a social media calendar to post content regularly despite distractions.

Advanced social media management allows you to prepare multiple posts at the same time and pre-schedule your posts.

A social media tool is especially useful for companies with an international focus, as different time zones are no longer a barrier. Whatever market you want to reach: the tool is always on the alert and ready to send your content to the world.

8. Review your results


Social media marketing review

Of course, you want measurable results. To do this, you first evaluate how many visitors reach your website or blog via social media. Use tracking tools like Google Analytics and Facebook Analytics for this.

These tools collect statistical data about the number of visitors to your website, visit duration, and visitor behavior. This allows you to draw meaningful conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses of your site and channels – which platform do most visitors come from and why?

9. Adjust your strategy

A master has not fallen from the sky yet. Therefore, you should take the necessary time for the ball to roll. Experiment with content and channels and interact with your customers in different ways. Find what works and build on it: For example, a blog that is constantly fueled by posts has the potential to become an ebook. And an ebook can also be marketed wonderfully on social media.

You don’t need to be an expert to have a successful social media strategy. Make sure you choose your channels carefully and maintain them using planning and monitoring tools. Constantly feed your channels with high-quality content. If you build this with your receptive personality in mind and build on good storytelling, nothing will stand in the way of your success on social media!

Hope! these 9 steps will help you leverage your social media marketing plan effectively and efficiently.


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