What is On-page SEO?

On-page Seo generally refers to all those factors which are controllable and are related to our website. These factors bring organic traffic to your website and help to improve ranking on search engines. Here, controllable factor means that you can improve your Seo score by optimizing your website in terms of technical & theoretical factors.

Factors Affecting On-Page SEO

  • Technical Factors
  • Theoretical Factor

A. Technical Factors

The list of technical factors in on-page SEO includes optimizing:
  • Header tags i.e H1, H2, H3…
  • Meta description 
  • Meta tags
  • Site map
  • Robot txt.
  • Keywords cannibalization
  • Alt. text and Image optimization

1. Header Tags

The Header tags are HTML (H1-H6) tags that are used to identify titles and subheadings within your content from other text types (e.g., paragraph text).


Header tags are not as important as the quality of your site as they used to be, but these tags still serve an important function – for your users and your SEO.
They can indirectly affect your rates by:
  • It helps in making content attractive and more enjoyable for readers.
  • Provides rich content on keywords for your content in search engines.

2. Meta Description

From the earliest days of SEO, meta descriptions have been an important area of ​​excellence.
Meta descriptions, meta tags that provide a sign of what the page is about, are often displayed in the SERPs under the title of the page.

A meta description (sometimes called a meta description or tag) is an HTML object that defines and summarizes the content of your page.

For the benefit of users and search engines. … that’s why meta descriptions are important to you and your SEO level.



3. Meta Tags


Meta tags are text captions that describe page content; meta tags do not appear on the page itself, but only on the source code of the page. Meta tags are actually content descriptions that help tell search engines what a web page is about.

The only difference between the tags you see (in the blog post, mention) and the tags you do not see the location.
meta tags are only available in HTML, usually in the “head” of the page, so they only appear on search engines (and people who know where to look). Meta represents “metadata,” which is a type of data for these tags – data about the data on your page.


4. Site Map


A sitemap is simply a list of web pages within a domain. There are three main types of Sitemap:

  • Sitemaps used during website editing by its creators.
  • The visible listing of a person, which occurs in sequence, of pages on the site.
  • Site crawlers that search listings.

Site maps can be targeted to users or software. Many sites have user-friendly site maps that provide a structured, sequential, website view. This is intended to help visitors find specific pages, and can also be used by visitors. Site maps arranged alphabetically, sometimes called site indexes, are a different approach.

5. Robot txt.

Robots. txt, also known as a robotic or standard release protocol, is a text file that tells web robots about the site. (the most common search engines) which pages on your site should crawl. It also tells web robots which pages should not crawl.

The robots.txt file is part of the robotic classification protocol (REP). A group of web standards that control how robots enter the web, access and identify content, and use that content for users.

6. Keywords Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization or reduction means you have a variety of blog posts or articles on your site. that match with the same search query on Google. If you do well in posts or articles of the same search queries, they take advantage of each other’s rankings.

When you use the same keywords, you are competing with yourself for a position on Google. Suppose you have two posts on the same topic.

In that case, Google cannot distinguish which article should be ranked at the top of a particular query. Also, important things like backlinks and CTR are refined over many posts instead of one. Because of this, almost everyone will be at a lower level.


7. Alt Text.

Alt text (another text), also known as “alt attributes”, “alt. descriptions”, or technically implied as “alt tags,” is used within HTML code to describe the appearance and function of an image on a page.

Alt-text is an idea for an accessible web design. Its real purpose (and still is) to present images to visitors who can see them. This includes screen readers and browsers that block images, but include users who are visually impaired or unable to see the image.

8. Image Optimization

Web image optimization is the process of rendering high-quality images in the correct format, size, size, and adjustment while maintaining the smallest size.

Image optimization can be done in a variety of ways, be it by resizing images, saving time, or by compressing the size. Install ImageKit, an intelligent Image Optimization tool, which prepares images using an intelligent compression algorithm.


B. Theoretical Factors

1. Content Optimization

If you are a business owner, small or large, then you know how important marketing your product is. So, you also know that content on your website or blog is the most important aspect of marketing.
And you may be working hard to create the perfect content consistently. For tips on how to make your content as effective as possible, see the following as a guide to content usage.


Basically, content optimization, or SEO (search engine optimization), is the process of optimizing your content to ensure it is more visible on the web. Search engine robots will place more optimized content on a search engine page than unprepared content.


How To Optimize Content for SEO?

It may seem complicated at first, developing rich content requires expertise and experience. while websites that first appear on a search engine page can have a professional working behind the scenes. To increase content or as a beginner can improve their search engine ranking by referring to the following.

1. Write Unique Content

While content alone is not everything, it is a big part of the image, and good content can greatly improve your chances of being a good SEO professional. When writing content, make sure it is user-friendly, authentic, and written for your website and your purposes.
Since you know your business better than anyone else, writing content that describes your product, your services, or updates for your business.


2. Posting New Content Regularly

Another way to make your content more consistent is to post new content. Search engines love the new content, and your readers will love it too.

3. Text Optimization

You can also simply customize the existing text by simply adding a few devices to use the content. Title tags, meta descriptions, meta keywords, and URLs are all great ways to make your content visible to search engines.

4. Do Not Write Content For Search Engines

Believe it or not, most search engine robots can see it when you write content specifically for search engines and not the user, which is detrimental to your quality.

Instead of focusing only on keywords, over-linking, or creating low-quality content for the purpose of publishing, relaxing, breathing, and reverting to overuse.

Focusing on the content that sounds natural and usable will take you far, and then adding to it by doing the things mentioned above is key.

5. Keep Your Content Clean

Lastly, be aware that the search engine will not publish anything that is difficult to find or illegal to send. Thus, be sure to keep your content clean and organized, using HTML and CSS formats, which help search engines find your content better.
Additionally, note that anything illegal (illegal use of copyrighted content) will not be published. For best results, use your content, and be creative to avoid hoisting any red flags.



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