First of all, a keyword is not just a word, it can also be a phrase. This keyword or a combination of keywords is what people log into on Google, Bing, Facebook, YouTube, Linked In, or other sites to find things. They can come with a question such as what keyword? They can be simple phrases like John Cashman Princeton NJ, or they can be very long phrases that need specific information such as the digital firefly marketing address of Princeton NJ.

Your SEO keywords are keywords and phrases in your web content that enable people to find your site through search engines. A well-tailored website for search engines “speaks the same language”, as a basis for potential visitors with keyword SEO that helps link searchers to your site. No doubt Keywords are one of the most important aspects of SEO.
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In other words, you need to know how people want the products, services, or information you provide. so that they can easily find you – otherwise, they will come across one of the many pages in Google Results. Starting an SEO keyword will help your site rank more than your competitors. So, let’s further understand the role of Keywords in search results.


Google search


The Long Tail Keywords

Longtail keywords graph


Google estimates that more than 20% of its searches are brand new, which means no one has searched that term before? This leads us to the so-called long-tail keywords and there is a graph that looks like this. Finally, there are highly competitive keywords such as “coffee” or “jewelry”. these keywords will be listed by large companies and websites. Names get billions of searches every month.
Serpstat keyword research tool


Looking Inside Keyword strategy

Once people understand what a keyword is, it is only natural to want to start using that information in all aspects of your website. This is often called a keyword strategy. The first step is to find a keyword strategy to list your resources, industry, and products. You can do this on MS word or excel. Let’s take the example of a coffee roaster in Princeton, NJ.

What do you sell?

Fitness accessories, dumbles, treadmills, fitness bands, etc.

Where do you sell fitness accessories?

My stores are in Princeton, NJ but I ship fitness accessories anywhere in the U.S.

How do you sell?

People can buy it at the store or send it to them. We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. People can buy in bulk every month or one at a time.
Longtail pro
Click to reach Longtail pro keyword research tool


Why do you think that your product is better?

We manufacture quality fitness accessories in small batches.
Once you start getting those questions and answers you will start to see some patterns appear. In this example, the name of the fitness accessories as well names such as treadmill, dumbles appear frequently in Princeton NJ. The key phrase that will work in this example would be Princeton NJ Fitness Accessories.


Once we are clear about what we sell and keywords related to those products we move on to the next step in trying to understand how people search for those products so that we can use that search as a basis for developing our key strategy. This excellent tool is Google’s key tool.
Google Adwords


Placing Keywords

The good news is that many websites today will launch what is called a content management system like Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla. These programs are very much in line with how they work to increase your chances of Google adding indexes to your keywords.
Drupal, WordPress, Joomla


Websites built on Dreamweaver or other content management systems may or may not have the right framework for Google. to target your site, but you can easily check.

1. H1 Tags

This is the only code I would like. H1 tags are titles on the web page. Coupled with the page title, it gives search engines more context what your page is about. So if your page title says chocolate and your H1 Tags say “white chocolate” search engines know that white chocolate is part of your site. H1 tags are important for SEO.
H1 tag


2. Page Titles


The title of the page, also known as the title tag, is a brief description of the web page and appears at the top of the browser window and in the SERPs. It is an important part of SEO page optimization.
The page title should include the page keyword in the title tag. While there is no character limit to the title tag. it is a good practice to stay below 70 characters, which is the correct title length from the Google SERPs (search engine results pages). Title tag is found within the <title> HTML element of the page.

3. Alt Tags


Alt tags


The old expression of a picture is worth a thousand words is the best one to describe what an alt tag is and why we can’t show you a picture. Every time an image is displayed on a website, there is an option to put an alt tag behind it.
So people who are visually impaired are able to get text describing the image. when they are looking at a web page. Google now uses Alt Tags as a way to index images since Google can only read the text and does not (yet) recognize images.

4. Using Clean URLs

Some of you may be wondering why the URLs should be clean? This refers to the URL structure. On some websites, you will see much gobbledygook like www.;dkjgf. You not only know what the URL means but also the search engine.

You need URLs with keywords in them so that Google can understand not only what that page is, but also how important you think it is. The distance from the page from the front means less important.


What are the keywords that describe your business? This is known as keyword research or site. For example, a golf academy may use keywords such as golf courses or golf courses. Does your website contain relevant keywords in the right places? You can check your website URLs and titles. If your website contains these phrases then you may be OK …

While H1 Tags, Page Articles, Alt Tags, and Clean URLs provide a framework for building SEO compliance. keywords provide everything else. They are drywall, drapes, furniture, and flooring that will make your website shine or leave it dim. Look at each web page on your site in those four areas and see if you can see the keywords in your list in those places. If you can’t see them, neither can Google.
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