In today’s competitive digital marketplace, companies must find ways to engage potential and existing customers. Email marketing is a great tool to do this. The problem is that most companies do not use or sometimes misuse email.

Top Email Marketing Trends To Look Out For In 2022

If you do not reach customers, you will not be able to influence them and even if customers receive your message, how successful have you been in influencing their behavior? To get the most out of your email marketing campaign, you need to make sure your strategies are up to date. Here are the top email marketing trends to look out for in 2022.

#1. Use AI to optimize

Many businesses are still confused with the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Inexperienced and experienced marketers are skeptical about the use of AI in email marketing.

The truth is, even with the latest technology and equipment, more data is available online than any marketer can obtain and evaluate. AI, on the other hand, can perform this task with minimal effort.

AI can be used for many purposes, including:

  • Survey optimization
  • Evaluation of results with analysis
  • Large amounts of client data are being processed simultaneously and keywords are being added
  • Using SEO optimizer.
  • Creating Email Subject Lines
  • Shipping time should be optimized.
  • Cleaning mailing lists (search for customers who did not respond to your copy)
  • Reorganizing email campaigns

In short, AI can help you speed up your email marketing campaign and help you complete the tasks that you normally would need to do by hand. However, take some time to research and confirm the cost before implementing AI, as it is expensive.

#2. Hyper-personalization for email campaigns


Email marketing trends in 2022
via: email


Customers do not like to be thought of as just another staff member on the machine; They want to get value through the companies they invest in. The lack of personalization that comes with automation is a concern in email marketing.

In recent years marketers have concluded that the biggest way to do this is through extensive privatization.

By accessing more data about your customers, the use of Artificial Intelligence makes it easier to verify optimization. Customers are learning more about the information gathered about themselves. Naturally, people imagined that they would be used to better providing their needs; They only agree to provide their personal information in exchange for more personalized offers.

Analyze your customers’ buying habits, open rates, and preferred products or services before creating emails related to those behaviors.

Maybe some customers have a habit of leaving their carts before making a purchase? In this case, your customized email will provide a helpful reminder with the CTA along with your content.

Personalization is about the basics, so always remember to include the recipient’s name and consider adding a personal comment.

This is a very hot trend, the value of privatization is increasing day by day. Thus, in 2021 and 2022, the business world is expected to focus on email marketing hyper-personalization rather than just personalizing campaign elements. Here’s how hyper-personalization can cash in on a trend:

  • Recommending content or products by audience section.
  • The promotion and message are customized by the audience section.
  • Recommending products or ingredients for individuals.
  • Trigger email based on buyer/visitor behavior.

#3. User-generated content

User-generated content has been a major focus of social media marketing for many years and is equally or more effective in email. When recipients see customers using your product or service or read customer reviews, they have a greater impact on purchases than when they read your own marketing copy. Social evidence suggests that CTR improves and has a very strong effect on conversions. For the best email marketing tools free trial click here

#4. Privacy

Is it contradictory for recipients to claim personalization (which comes from sharing personal data) – and at the same time privacy of information? Recipients should be informed that their shared personal information is secure and will not be hacked or sold to the highest bidder, whether contradictory or not. Without strong privacy statements, click-throughs and conversions are discouraging.

#5. Add animation


animation in email marketing


Thanks to the integration of GIFs, animated backdrops, animated icons, and typography and CSS animations, creating an email campaign on the go is now much easier. CSS animations allow you to create transitions, easily changing one element of your email to another.

Most companies add small elements of animation in their emails to attract the attention of their readers. For example, Uber’s Halloween campaign uses only a few simple animations — bats flying in the full moon, car lights illuminating a black cat — and they are very successful in capturing viewers’ attention. At the same time, animated backgrounds, like these other Uber examples with dance festival background icons, frame your entire email content in motion.

Animations can bring your email to life, but they can also affect the timing of your email loading. Make sure you know how to reduce your email size and see if you can add animations by code to make sure your emails work well in the inbox.

#6. Landing page quality


Landing page


Many email campaigns make the mistake of removing all stops to reach their CTR goal – but then drop the ball in exchange. Result – Minimum or non-existent ROI. Not only do recipients have click-throughs, but it is also important to change them when they arrive at the landing page.

Landing page design includes abundant copywriting skills and CRO (conversion rate optimization) technology as well as technical platforms that support granular segmentation testing and personalization. Landing page development should be the primary goal by 2022 to maximize email campaign results.

#7. Mobile optimization

In the world of web development, as more people use mobile devices than desktop computers to access the Internet, mobile-first design statistics will become the norm in 2022. If your email presents a positive mobile user experience, you’ll be able to ignore your email and capture the customer’s interest or even force a negative impression on your brand by forcing them.

#8. Interaction

Interactive marketing promotes engagement and is becoming more popular as technology evolves. It is not difficult to include interactive marketing in your email campaigns. You can incorporate this into your policy in a number of ways, including:

  • Gifs and hover-over imagery;
  • Animated buttons and CTAs;
  • User-controlled interactive product carousels and illustrations;
  • Rollover effect for displaying offers;
  • Surveys, polls, and user-generated interactive content;
  • Design mode option (alternative to Light mode or Dark mode);
  • Gaming element

Interactive marketing helps you create a great customer experience that entertains and engages your customers. It also serves as a personalization tool, sending unique trivia and holiday cards to individuals.

#9. Easy to use


Email marketing trend in 2022
via: getwemail


Can your recipients view your email in Dark Mode? If not, consider adding this feature in 2022. Attracts the dark mode to reduce eye strain — and this is one of the many ways to make your content more accessible to more readers. Larger fonts, simple fonts, better contrast, and simple layouts are other important ways to improve access.

#10. Shot form Email

With a few exceptions, short emails work better than long emails. We all know that attention spans are dwindling and people are filling up with digital information. Even for complex products and services, the hardest email, e.g., 1700 word white paper, is more effective than sending a 2,000-word email.

that’s all for this post. Please support our work by sharing and commenting in the comment section. Thank you.

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  • Agen338
    Posted December 10, 2021 at 11:42 am 0Likes

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  • Frankigex
    Posted December 13, 2021 at 9:27 pm 0Likes

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