No doubt email marketing is a well-established industry. Almost all popular brands worldwide utilize email marketing to reach and interact with their customers.

Many businesses online struggles in connecting with their client because they lack the proper medium.

So, if you are searching for the benefits of email marketing and want to successfully implement it in Your business in 2022 then You are probably at the right destination.

Why Email Marketing in 2022?

Recent Email marketing stats for 2022 reflects:

1. By 2022, more than 347 billion emails will be sent every day.

That’s up from nearly $294 billion in 2019. While teams in other areas may be shrinking, email as a form of sales engagement, customer support, and lead nurturing is only increasing.

2. More than 4 billion people use email – and that number is still growing.

By 2024 it should be 4.5 billion. Email marketing is so effective because it’s a direct line to engaged leads. And as more people use email over time, businesses have more ways to connect.

3. Two-thirds of subscribers are happy to receive branded emails at least once a week.

People love receiving emails, but we can bet they love it, even more, when the emails are personalized and tailored to their needs.

4. 35% of marketers contact customers three to five times a week.

Email marketing frequency is all about finding the happy medium. You don’t want to send excessive emails to your subscribers because you might annoy them until they click to unsubscribe. If you’re not sure about your frequency, try including a poll in your welcome emails to new subscribers, asking them how often they’d like to hear from you.

Why Do Businesses Need Email Marketing in 2022?

Ecommerce Marketing AutomationThere are many reasons to use email marketing in 2022. With e-mail marketing, companies reach interested parties and customers in a targeted and cost-effective manner. To put it bluntly, it’s almost negligent not to use it. The possibilities range from classic newsletters to one-to-one or transactional emails with highly personalized content.

The statistics speak for themselves: email marketing is one of the most effective marketing measures of all. No wonder, then, that email marketing is an indispensable part of the marketing mix for many companies.

But not all companies know and use the advantages of this communication channel. In this article, we explain why email marketing is so successful. We also show which companies should use newsletter marketing.

How does email marketing work?

how does email marketing works

In principle, e-mail marketing is very simple: a sender sends newsletters and mailings to the recipients using a professional mailing solution. The sender only needs the recipient’s email address and consent to receive the emails. That’s basically it.

However, to be truly successful with email marketing takes a lot more. It is better to rely on the know-how of experts for the first steps. There is a lot to consider here: It starts with setting up the mailing list, continues with maintaining the distribution, creating and adapting mailings, and right through to actually sending the mailings. With a little help, anyone can quickly celebrate their first success in their own email marketing.

Why Businesses Should Do Email Marketing in 2022?

So much for the foreword. Let’s get down to business! As indicated in the previous lines, email marketing has a number of advantages to offer. For this reason, we have summarized a few arguments for you in bullet points, divided into the various sub-areas of email marketing. See for yourself the potential that lies dormant in email marketing in 2022.

Ecommerce Marketing Automation

General Reasons for Email Marketing

why email marketing in 2022

  • Cost: Email marketing is particularly efficient when it comes to reaching a large number of recipients. Best of all, the implementation costs are very low. This increases the return on investment.
  • Test options: A professional newsletter software offers extensive test options. By evaluating the various tests, from the subject line to the content, campaigns can be optimized and success increased over the long term.
  • Environmental friendliness: Sending newsletters and mailings electronically means there is no need to send them by post and there is no waste. With modern server technology, energy consumption is also reduced.
  • Real-time: By measuring the opening and click rates as well as other key figures (KPIs) in real-time, senders can determine the success of the campaign immediately after it has been sent.
  • Dialogue marketing: Email marketing prompts the recipient to enter into a dialogue or response. Recipients can reply to newsletters and mailings without media disruption.
  • Traffic: Email marketing brings a lot of traffic to websites and online stores. The conversion rate is particularly high.
  • Up-to-dateness: Due to the immediate sending and fast delivery of e-mails, the information for the recipient is always up-to-date at the time of sending.
  • Customer loyalty: Newsletters and mailings help to build lasting customer relationships and thus increase the likelihood of direct recipient reactions.
  • Design: Newsletters can be designed individually. They fit seamlessly into the company’s corporate design. Messages are transported optimally and at the same time, your own brand is strengthened.
  • Success: Email marketing is one of the most successful marketing tools at a comparatively low cost.
  • Low wastage: Interest-based campaigns can be implemented with e-mail marketing. Stray losses can be effectively minimized.
  • Measurability: Professional solutions offer detailed reporting of the most important key figures (KPIs) such as opening and click rates in order to measure the response of the recipients.

As part of bounce management, returns are also recorded and, depending on the type of bounce, contacted immediately or blocked. It is not for nothing that more and more companies are using this channel for direct marketing.

Click here to try Getresponse for free.

These companies should do email marketing

Since e-mail marketing measures are relatively inexpensive and particularly flexible, this form of advertising is basically suitable for all companies, regardless of industry and strategy. Newsletter marketing is used to nurture relationships with existing customers and is also the perfect channel for acquiring new customers. This opens up many possibilities for companies for an automated and individualized digital dialogue with subscribers. In the next section, we show the benefits for different industries.

online stores

e-commerce email marketing

E-commerce and retail businesses typically have a large address base that they serve with their newsletters and transactional emails. Thanks to the seamless connection of the email marketing solution to your system landscape, it can easily access customer data from the CRM or product data from the shop system. This makes it possible to automatically integrate popular products from the store into a newsletter or to give the customer personalized product recommendations.


There are many ways to inspire newsletter subscribers in the travel industry with email marketing: from one-on-one travel tips to automated, time-monitored travel vouchers to current offers travel portals. If the database and connection to other systems are available, the customer data collected can also be used to personalize the offer based on previous bookings.

publishers and press houses

The range of innovations is varied and tastes differ. This is why media companies benefit from marketing automation when sending newsletters: content can be automatically integrated into the mailing and sent from the editorial system. This means that a large number of addresses can be served in a short time.


Many clients with different requirements and ups and downs in the field of projects – this is the daily life of the agency. A powerful and flexible email marketing tool masters this challenge by providing a solution for implementing customer newsletters and supporting your own customer dialogue.

banks and insurance

Compliance with data protection regulations is particularly important in the sensitive banking and insurance sector. Trustworthy e-mail marketing providers offer this customer group high legal and data security as well as optimal e-mail deliverability.

The best tool to start with is email marketing in 2022

Build online presence with trusted marketing software (en)

If You are confused and want to start with email marketing in 2022 I would recommend you to go with Getresponse it’s really a good option if You want to integrate Your business with email marketing.


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