Once you start learning the basics of SEO, you may be looking for some additional SEO techniques to help you take your site’s organic traffic to the next level in 2021. When you first start a site (or just start learning SEO), this is the sum of the basics you need to have. Items like:

  • Keyword research
  • Customization of title tags and meta tags
  • Create customized content

But then what? Maybe you are not ready to enter into an advanced SEO strategy but need to significantly increase organic visibility and consequent traffic‌? In this guide, we’re going to share 10 Popular SEO techniques that will help you supercharge your site performance and show you step by step how to implement each of these.

10 Popular SEO Techniques in 2021

Google updates its algorithm 500-600 times a year. That means there will be at least one update every day of the year. SEO professionals who dedicate their entire lives to learning rank standards also scratch their heads at the end of the day.

It is impossible to track all changes. Do not waste your time with him. But if you know about some of the biggest trends and popular SEO techniques in 2021, you will be at the top of your competition. We know that 75% of searchers will never cross the first page of search results. That’s why it’s so important to figure out how to bypass these algorithm updates and be on the front page of search engine results pages.

To help you keep Google’s updates page from constantly being refreshed, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 most important SEO techniques for 2021.

1. Understand the main Core Web Vitals


Google ads quality score


Core Web Vitals may be a new SEO term you have never heard of. But in 2021, you need to familiarize yourself with these meanings and the metric benchmarks behind them. In May, Google will release Page Experience, a new algorithm that ranks pages based on their core web critical score.

So what are the core web keys? Google defines them as a set of metrics that measure speed, response, and visual consistency. We will take a little in-depth look at what the major web vitals are in this post, but here is a quick recap.

Largest Content‌Full Paint (LCP) – Measures page speed. This is the time it takes for the main content of the page to load. The ideal LCP is 2.5 seconds or faster.

First Input Delay (FID) – Measures page response. It takes time to become a one-page affiliate. The ideal FID is less than 100 ms.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – Measures visual stability. This is equivalent to unexpected layout changes of visible page content. Less than the ideal CLS .1.
Now that you know what to measure, how do you measure it?

Google has updated a number of existing tools to include Web Vitals measurement capabilities. Each of these tools provides reports that provide details and insights into the health of your key web critical metrics.

Spend some time on each of these platforms and familiarize yourself with these reports and see how you can improve your scores before the live page experience update goes live.

2. Optimize for Google Passage ranking


seo passage ranking
via: seosly


In October 2020, Google launched what they call passage ranking, where individual parts of web pages can be ranked along with the entire page. Why this thing? This means that Google can remove sections from a page, even if the page covers something other than what is displayed in the SERP.

For example, suppose you write a blog post covering various aspects of social media marketing such as tools, strategy, metrics, networks, etc. in social media marketing. Your page keyword can rank social media marketing tools. May not be optimized for that keyword. Since Google sees the relevant part of your post about social media marketing tools, it is indicating a specific path.

Optimizing for Google’s passage ranking is like creating easy-to-read blog posts and creating a user-friendly experience. Your big focus should be on creating clear sections in the post. Pay attention to the inclusion of keywords in the titles of these sections. Your content in these sections should be clear and focus on the sub-topic within. Think of it as a blog post within a blog post. These sections should always be relevant to your main topic, but they should also make sense if they are contextually isolated.

3. Focus on the featured snippets


featured snippet


Featured snippets, if not already, should be part of your strategy in 2021. Also known as the Search of the Holy Grail, featured snippets appear in a zero or rectangular box at the top of the SERP page.

Of course, you can not select the content shown in the featured snippet, but you can customize your content so that it is more likely to appear in the featured snippet. Here are some recommendations.

Long-term keywords

According to SEMrush, the more words in a search query, the more likely it is to return a featured snippet. Only 4.3% of single-word keywords lead to a featured snippet, compared to 17% of keywords formed with 5 words and 55.5% formed with 10 words.

Use questions

Any content you write must be designed with the user in mind. Often, when people search on Google they use queries as queries. So writing content with these questions and answers in mind will set you up to earn more featured snippets.

SEMrush found the most featured snippets with the question words “why”, “do” and “can”, while the word “were” triggered the less featured snippets.

Format wisely

There are four different types of featured snippet formats: paragraph, list, table, and video. As you write your content, keep in mind these different formats. Also, keep in mind the purpose of the featured snippet. Google wants to make information easier and clearer for searchers looking for faster answers. So format it for a speed reader.

This does not mean that you should not have long paragraphs of text in your post, but put that content after your featured snippet definition. It should be short, clear, and pointy.

4. Learn EAT Principle


Google EAT Principle


Despite Google’s constantly changing algorithms, the EAT principle can help you achieve long-term SEO success. Sounds great? But what is EAT in the world?

EAT means expertise, authority, and credibility. It is essentially a measure of your brand reputation on the web. Google ranks more established, brand authentic, and trusted sites than unknown sites.

more words, you are more likely to see your domain in the top results when you check the website rankings for related phrases and possibly related phrases. Will be possible.

Here is an example. If you are trying to rank for “custom branded clothing” you can include that phrase in your title, meta description, and URL, but you may want to include “logo jackets for companies”, “branded sweatshirts and t-shirts”. “And” Sweaters for Businesses “. Also in your content. It helps you rank different search queries and tells Google whether custom branded clothing is related to these other long keywords.

If your industry is a little more satisfied than other markets, you may be wondering, how can I beat some of my competitors in the world big companies or well-established brand names?

Start small, don’t think too much. You can take clear steps to establish the authority, credibility, and reputation of your brand. Here is something:

  • Ask customers to provide good reviews on popular sites like Yelp, BBB, Amazon, or Google.
  • Earn high-quality links from sites in your industry.
  • Be active and promote references in public forums.
  • Display EAT on your website through testimonials, case studies, reviews, and other types of
  • social evidence.

5. Support multiple long-tail keyword phrases

With each algorithm update released by Google, the search engine becomes more advanced. Now, Google claims that you can understand the relevant subtopics of a particular keyword. For example, if you were searching for “home exercise equipment”, Google would now understand that “budget equipment”, “premium option” or “small space observations” are relevant synonyms, and SERPs offer a wide range of results. The series is shown.

What does this mean for SEO? There is a lot of competition for keywords with small tiles. But if you use long-tail keywords or more specific keywords with three or more words, you are more likely to see your domain in the top results when you check the website rankings for related phrases and possibly related phrases. Will be possible.

Here is an example. If you are trying to rank for “custom branded clothing” you can include that phrase in your title, meta description, and URL, but you may want to include “logo jackets for companies”, “branded sweatshirts and t-shirts”. “And” Sweaters for Businesses “. Also in your content. It helps you rank different search queries and tells Google whether custom branded clothing is related to these other long keywords.

6. Create new content



This may seem obvious, but sometimes marketers get caught up in their on-page SEO details and neglect to focus on creating new quality content for searchers. Keep in mind that over 4.4 million blog posts are published every day. So if you do not create new content regularly, it is very easy to fall behind.

When you create new content, you also have the opportunity to optimize today’s SEO best practices in the first place. Pay attention to the page title, content header, subheading, image alt text, and new keywords you are targeting.

Even the latest content is seen by users as more valuable than the old content. When people are looking for an answer to a question, they often look for a date for relevance. If all your posts contain outdated and outdated information, they will be immediately moved to the next search results.

In the end, freshness is also a ranking factor. The more you publish, the more Google will index your pages and rank your content faster.

7. Update old content


Tips for blog content


Even if you are busy creating new content, you can not neglect to update your old content. This is an important SEO technique for 2021. If you only publish new content, your old content will be off the map and irrelevant. Since you probably spent a lot of time on those old posts, don’t miss the opportunity they offer.

One of the easiest ways to go back and refresh old content is by auditing the link. Find and fix any broken or expired external links. This not only improves your user experience but also protects you from being fined by Google for having multiple broken links.

Go back and update your internal links as well. When you create new content, be sure to go back to the relevant old content and add links to these new posts. It tells Google that there is a connection between these pages and helps Google index your new pages faster while helping your posts rank higher for related search queries.

8. Focus on UX (User Experience)

Honestly, when it comes to SEO, every strategy is related to improving the user experience (UX) in one way or another. This is what SEO means. In 2021, this is more important than ever.

Above all, the new focus on core web keys is all about the user experience. But on top of that, Google also takes into account the bounce rate, stay time, and click-through percentage. The goal is for the user to click on your result, spend time clicking on different pages, and spend at least 3 minutes on your site. Learn the difference between UI and UX.

Here are some things to consider when evaluating your customer experience:

  • Mobile-Friendly – Does your site have a mobile responsive design?
  • Navigation – Is it easy for users to find other pages on your site?
  • Page Speed ​​- Will your site ever load?
  • Interactivity – Do you have features on your site that motivate users to interact with your content?
  • Content Quality – Do you have typos, broken links, or just bad content?

By improving some of these areas, you will see users spending more time on your site. As a result, Google will begin to place your site and related pages at the top of the SERPs.

All due to good customer experience.

9. Don’t forget about images



More than 20% of all web searches in the U.S. are on Google Images. So in order to conquer SEO in 2021, it is very necessary to know how to optimize any image for search.

Start by making sure that any images you use are high quality and relevant to your keywords. Only by looking at your image can users clearly see what your content is about.

Always make sure that the images you use are compressed before uploading them to your site. Remember, Google sees page speed as a ranking factor. Images make up 21% of the total webpage weight, which means that even a large image slows down a fast site. Squoosh is an easy and free tool you can use to quickly compress your images.

Image alt tags are also very important. It is used by search engines as an alternative to images and to help you add keywords to your image. Additionally, if your image does not load, it will be visible to the user in the upper left corner. When creating your alt text, be sure to include relevant information and keywords if necessary. However, be careful not to fill in the keywords. If it does not make sense to include the said keyword, do not include it. Google may view this as spam and may find your site as a result.

10. Create your backlinks

Backlinks are the heart of SEO. You really can not have a solid SEO strategy in 2021 and still not neglect to create high-quality links on your site.

Why? Backlinks are an important way to build brand authority. And we already know that in 2021 skill, authority and credibility are more important than ever. When a site, with reputable authority already established, links back to your site, your EAT factor will boost so that Google sees your site as the correct answer for the searcher.

We have created a complete guide on how to design your backlink strategy. From email templates, learn more about do’s and don’ts for link building, how to effectively build backlinks. Here are some quick tips:

  • Focus on quality over quantity – The domain authority of your linker is more important than the number of your links.
  • Consider guest blogging.
  • Use online forums to share your content and reach people in your industry.
  • Take advantage of social media by sharing valuable content and letting others know about backlinking to your site.
  • Find unlinked references and turn them into links.

Beat the competition with these important SEO technologies of 2021
It is impossible to keep up with every single Google algorithmic update. Tracking the latest trends can be helpful, but still difficult for busy traders. So the biggest SEO technique to remember at all times is optimizing for people.

Avoid writing content for search engines. In 2021, people and experience will be key in every SEO technique out there. So focus your time and energy on developing high-quality content that will answer and inform your target personality. This is the foundation for any good SEO strategy. From there, use 2021’s key SEO techniques to enhance, tinker, and optimize your efforts.

Hope You find this topic informational. Don’t forget to share Your thoughts in the comment section. Thank you. 

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