Do you know that content marketing has proven to be one of the most influential marketing strategies in 2022?

The latest content marketing stats for 2022 shows that about 79% of businesses prefer content marketing for generating quality leads.

The world has become wholly digital people rely on social media for almost everything, any brand that has a good online presence is one people prefer to shop from.

But, online competition has made it very difficult for new brands to create brand awareness, however, existing brands also work extremely hard to maintain and improve their online presence.

Businesses spend a great sum of their capital on content marketing because businesses know that content is king and only content can create their brand awareness online.

Many digital marketers believe that content marketing is the best way to introduce your business to the world but, content marketing only works with the right strategy otherwise, it’s just a waste of time and resources.

This is exactly what we are going to target in this post, we will discuss the 10 most practiced tips to influence your content marketing.

So, let’s get started!

Why content marketing is important?

why content marketing is important - Mix With Marketing

If you just started an online business or are about to start you must be wondering ‘Why content marketing?’ ‘Why it is important?’

These questions are very likely to ask yourself if you have not decided on whether or not you want to go with content marketing.

Content marketing is important because it influences your brand to the world, it can help you set your name in the minds of your customers.

Remember, people love to read content about the brands before purchasing from them, you can say that content is something that makes people trust your brand.

Also, powerful content marketing equals increased audience retention this means if you want the audience to stick to your brand for the long term you need content marketing.

In short, content marketing help brands create brand awareness and brand awareness plays a vital role in influencing search and search plays a vital role in influencing brand visibility.

Top 10 Content Marketing Tips to Influence Brand Awareness

1. Explore Your Intended Market and Audience

Knowing your target market and audience can play a vital role in a successful content marketing campaign.

You need to know who you’re writing for and what they want from your brand before you ever start typing.

If you skip this stage, you can waste time and energy making content for the wrong people on the wrong platforms.

Thankfully, there are a plethora of tools available that make market research a breeze. If you don’t rely on tools and want to perform primary research about your target audience, do the following:

  • Conduct client interviews and research your customer base.
  • Analyze your competitors.
  • Define the needs and challenges of your potential audience.
  • Perform surveys through social media platforms.

2. Quality, Uniqueness, and Relevance in Content

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We believe that we can create brand awareness through our content marketing but, to make this possible your content must be discoverable to your audience.

And how can we make our content discoverable to the audience?

The answer is very simple; posting high-quality, unique, and relevant content.

A report from Hubspot about the state of marketing trends in 2022 concluded that content creation is a top priority for more than half of marketers.

Your content should be relevant to what your promise in the outline and remember, plagiarism is prohibited in Google’s guidelines for ranking content therefore, make it a practice to always check for plagiarism before publishing.

If you want your content marketing to work as you expected you should focus on creating content that answers everything your audience is expecting.

3. Optimized Content for Google

Creating unique and relevant content is one thing but to gain the maximum advantage of your content marketing work on making your content search engine optimized.

Well, you must be confused about what it means to optimize content and how to do it, right?

Don’t worry, we got you covered!

For starter, keep in mind that Google display results based on the queries the audience input, we can name these queries as keywords.

And keywords are one of many factors in making your content SEO optimized. Your content marketing should prioritize search-engine-optimized content.

Suppose, your business is about selling ‘Pancakes’ and you want people to find your business, and content marketing is what you need to do.

If you are creating content to influence your business awareness you must look at what people are searching about businesses related to your niche.

For example, ‘Red velvet pancake’ is what you find on top of Google results when you type ‘Pancake’, and guess what?

You got your keyword ‘Red velvet pancake’ is what you should target in your content to get maximum traffic to your business.

If you find appealing content online on the same niche you can utilize that content but not by copying it, you can paraphrase sentence that you think can work with what you are writing.

You also need to optimize your titles and images this way, you can optimize content that can boost your content marketing and can influence the organic search for your business.

4.      Content Marketing Should Define your Business’s Unique Selling Proposition

Your brand will not be able to compete successfully unless you can clearly define what sets you apart from the competition.

One or more unique selling points could be a faster, cheaper, or more helpful approach to solving a customer’s problem.

Your USP is a statement that describes your brand’s most compelling features and benefits and how they will help your target market.

All of your content marketing will revolve around this one distinguishing feature. It will be the defining factor in building brand awareness and drawing in your ideal clientele and explaining to the audience why they should choose to do business with you.

5. Broaden your Content Strategy

marketing with business graph and chart hand drawing on blackboard
marketing concept with business graph and chart hand drawing on blackboard

When you’re just getting started, it’s difficult to predict which strategies and formats of content will best reach your intended audience.

In all honesty, you’ll need to test out a few different content tactics until you find the ones that work best for your specific brand.

Your content marketing’s ultimate goal should be to relay the company’s ethos. This goes back to your unique selling proposition in the previous step.

Then you can employ a variety of content to keep your audience interested, like:

  • Blog posts
  • Social media posts
  • Emails
  • Guest posts

Data collected over time will show what kinds of posts are the most popular with your audience.

This will point you in the direction of what kinds of content to post more frequently to influence organic traffic.

6. Set your Content Publishing Schedule to be Consistent

You may have a good idea of what to publish based on your audience and target market research discussed in the first step, but getting the material out there is a whole other ballgame.

When trying to raise brand awareness through content marketing, the importance of regular interaction cannot be overstated.

According to Hubspot, content consistency establishes your credibility, builds trust, and strengthens your reputation.

If you aren’t consistent with your publication schedule, you could be missing out on chances to increase brand awareness.

Your audience may become perplexed as to the nature of your brand if your messages are all over the place.

Creating a content publication strategy with specific subjects and due dates will keep you on track to consistently create material.

In addition, you can keep track of your previous publications to avoid repeating the same work twice, isn’t it a great tip for your content marketing?

7. Align your Content Marketing with Google

It’s not easy to persuade Google that your content is the best response to a certain query. Therefore, you should align your content marketing with SERPs and for that, check to see if you’re adhering to Google’s guidelines.

However, you should be aware of the numerous other ways to rank well in search engine results besides the conventional ‘blue link’ options.

There are many places to be noticed in search results, such as featured snippets, People Also Ask, video carousels, image results, Top Stories, and more.

8. Promote your Brand’s Content on Social Media

Using social media to promote your brand-building content is just as crucial as using it to create your brand itself.

You’re not just creating awareness among the people who follow you, you’re also reaching out to the friends of your followers.

You may increase exposure to your brand-new content by posting it to your social media sites and encouraging your audience to share it with their own networks.

Engaging in conversation with others in your virtual neighborhood through comments and private messaging is another fantastic use for social media.

You may get high-quality leads from people who are already interested in your products, services, and information by employing this tactic as part of your content marketing plan.

9. Create your Business’s Blog

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Your business can gain numerous advantages by maintaining its own blog, so if you don’t currently have one, you should get started right away.

In addition to raising brand awareness, it also allows your brand a platform to influence the direction of the industry.

Your business’s blog should follow a few tips as part of your content marketing campaign, like:

  • Fresh, engaging, and informative content.
  • Write blogs on audience-searched topics.
  • Keep an eye on your competitors’ postings.

10. Always Examine your Outcome

Last but not least, it is very crucial to frequently analyze the results of your content marketing because this way you can observe which content marketing tactic works best and worst for your brand.

Examining your results with Google Analytics will also help you improve your content marketing strategies for better results.

You can view maps of where visitors are coming from, find out exactly what pages visitors are visiting, and even see exactly what links they are clicking on.

Take a data-driven approach to choose new topics by using this knowledge of what kinds of content are most useful for achieving your goals.


Content marketing still marks its position in 2022 as the most influential marketing strategy. Brands are spending a great sum of their budget on setting the right content marketing campaign to build brand awareness.

But, without the right approach, content marketing can never turn the tables as per your expectations.

To provide you all with the right content marketing strategies, we have discussed the 10 most practiced content marketing tactics in the above sections.

If your content marketing is not influencing brand awareness consider giving this post a read. Thank you!

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