Having a top-quality website is vital to success within the online platform. After all, your website is in the middle of your web presence. If we tend to liken your online presence to hosting an occurrence. having a decent website is like finding the proper location for your event.


Website design and development – yes it really matters


If you do not have a website, we encourage you to use the following steps to help your website become exactly what your customers – right now – want. Yet, we also encourage you to make sure you do not spend all your budgets on a website that no one can find. Hold a specific budget for marketing your site. When it comes to presentation then, Yes website design & development really matters.


The success of an occurrence will all come back right down to location, location, location. The right venue will create a decent event even higher and a nasty venue will create an otherwise, purposeful events failure.


Make sure to make your site user-centered,



A. Buy good hosting

When it comes to your site working well, hosting makes all the difference. In our opinion, some hosting sites are much better. your site. In fact, the word locater exists even in the name: URL stands for Unique Resource Location. The Netmark URL is mixwithmarketing.com – okay, technically Our full URL is https://www.mixwithmarketing.com/ but we are trying to keep this simple. Following these tips will help you build a valid URL.
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1. Make URL relevant
Your URL should represent the name of your company or which visitors will find on your website. It is common practice to use your company name without the space provided by a domain name such as .com or .org. Yet, there are times when it makes more sense to have a URL related to what you are doing instead. In either case, your URL must be associated with your company.
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2. Make it effective

Your URL will be in many different places. For it to work properly, you will need to think about how your URL will be used. in your social media, other websites, and even brands, and more. tangible goods. As mentioned above, you may choose to use capital letters to Specify words within your URL. Whatever you take, but, be sure that you are consistent in your use. For it to work, it is necessary to clear and memorable.



3. Make it relevant

Your URL should represent the name of your company or which visitors will find on your website. It is common practice to use your company name without the space provided by a domain name such as .com or .org. Yet, there are times when it makes more sense to have a URL related to what you are doing instead. In either case, your URL must be associated with your company.

B. Build a strong and effective website

As we said, a strong, effective website should be in the middle of your online presence. All your access to social media, search engine results. and online advertising should aim at targeting qualified traffic to your site. so you can sell your products or services. To achieve this, your website needs to build a solid foundation – in a strong Content Management system (CMS).

There are a number of the best website provider which requires no special technical skills. such as WordPress, Wix & blogger by google, which one can join to prepare a website/blog easily, Joomla, etc.

1. Now Easily use pre-designed themes

A pre-designed theme is actually a template that can be used with a specific CMS. to build a solid, attractive website very quickly. Some of these themes are free, but most of the price ranges from $ 50 up to $ 100 depending on the engineer and features included in the theme. Usually, you get paid so it would be a good idea to invest in a quality theme. ThemeForest * offers many attractive, functional, and mobile templates which can be used to build a solid website.

Best WordPress themes

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2. Plugins

Many CMS offers a variety of plugins that can be used to help you create landing pages, slideshows, and more. Most plugins are quick and easy to install, but you may need to take a moment to learn how to use the plugins to your advantage.

C. Create attractive content

Once you have the right hosting platform, a solid URL, and a powerful website to send to your users, it’s time to fill it with content. Coming back to our event match, the content includes the drinks, flavors, ingredients, and dessert you use to please your guests. once they’re in your area.

But you may be wondering, what is the content?.
To put it simply, the content is informative to help your clients and potential customers. Content comes in a variety of forms from page text to infographics and videos.

D. Optimize your website



Image showing SEO impact


Once you already have a strategy in place, you will need to add your website. Doing so is tantamount to following the rules and guidelines established for your event to be listed on calendars and events.



Generally, you cannot simply call the event calendar publisher on the day of your event and expect it to be listed. Similarly, you cannot expect SEO to launch you on top of search results overnight. work on keyword research and also use analytics tools to optimize your website.

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