When it comes to pain points, “How much am I willing to pay to fix this pain?” You have to ask yourself. Business history is full of articles on how companies solve customer problems to outperform their competitors. I hope we can all agree that Apple has marketed itself as a company that offers a simple and consistent experience of “just working”, without getting into the Apple vs Android or Windows debate.

“They have nothing to do with full power or customization, they replace reliability. This is an example of how to respond to pain. Apple did not invent the first MP3 player, the first tablet, the first smartphone, or the first smartwatch. But he created the product that people want to use. The pain in the technology that inspired their products. Points are resolved and the rest is history.

Finding and resolving your customers’ pain points is a great way to differentiate yourself from the competition and show your customers that you care. When it comes to pain points, there are 3 areas to focus on.

  • Finding your customer’s pain point.
  • Earn their trust
  • The solution to their pain

Today we are going to focus on this. By identifying and resolving customer pain points, you provide the best customer experience and customer experience is a top priority for businesses heading into 2022

What are customer pain points?

The customer pain point is a specific problem faced by potential customers of your business. In other words, you can think of pain points as problems, plain and simple.



As with any problem, customer pain points are as diverse and varied as your potential customers. However, not all prospects are aware of the pain point they are facing, which makes marketing difficult for these people because your chances are that you need to effectively help them understand that there is a problem. And convince them that your product or service will help solve it. Learn about B2C E-Commerce

Although you may think of pain points as common problems, they are often classified into several broad categories. Here are four main types of pain points:

Financial Pain Points: Your potential customers are spending more money on their current provider/solutions/products and want to reduce their cost

Productivity Pain Points: Your chances are you are wasting more time using their current provider/solutions /products or wanting to use their time more efficiently

Process Pain Point: Your prospects want to improve internal processes such as assigning leads to sales reps or developing low-priority leads.

Support Pain Points: During the critical stages of a customer journey or sales process your chances are not getting the support they need

By looking at customer pain points in these categories you can start thinking about how to present your company or product as a solution to your opportunities.

How do I identify my customers’ pain points?

Now that we know what pain points are, we need to figure out how to identify them.



Although many of your prospects face similar or similar pain points, the root cause of these pain points may be as different as your clients. Qualitative research is therefore a fundamental part of identifying a client’s pain points.

There are two basic sources of information that you need to identify the traumatic points of your customers – your customers and your sales and support teams. First, let’s see how to get the information you need from your customers.

Conducting qualitative customer research


qualitative customer research


One of the best ways to find out about your customers’ biggest problems is to actually listen to them.

Recently, we organized our first Customer Insights Roundtable Event, in which we invited 11  customers to spend some time in our offices – good and bad – to share their experiences with us openly and honestly. 

As part of Conducting qualitative customer research, we asked attendees to participate in an idea and design workshop, a collaborative, practical session in which our clients identify some of their biggest challenges as online advertisers. It has helped attendees as individual entrepreneurs and business owners as well as advertisers to focus on partnership issues and also allow us to focus on resolving issues under our control. Learn about data management platform.

This type of event is invaluable to you as a business. This not only allows you to actually have long conversations with the people who use your products but also creates an environment where problem-solving is a collaborative process.

Tips on how to fix customer pain points


Customer Pain Points


Okay, so you know your customer pain points, now you need to provide a solution.

Learn how to fix a pain point and make sure your customers know too
Once you have identified the customer pain point, it is time to make a plan on how to address it. The solution can vary greatly depending on what your company offers in terms of customers’ pain points and solutions. Difference between Network Marketing vs Digital Marketing

For example, you may find that the customer’s pain point is “confusion and difficulty navigating customer service channels”. Many consumers will give up their purchase if they cannot find a quick answer to their question online. They may have searched your website and may not find the answer. They may have visited your Contact Us page only to find out that they need to send an email with a response within 5 working days. Or they may need to call customer service, but the time is very limited or they do not want it because it is not their preferred communication method.

You choose to switch to the Omnichannel platform with a more convenient and neat approach to customer communication. This means that you can provide a range of customer communication options to suit multiple preferences such as chatbots, live chat, WhatsApp, calls, contact field forms, and email. Chatbots work 24 hours a day, so now you can help customers with any important questions they may have. Learn step by step how digital marketing works

Next, it is important to make sure that your customers understand that you are solving the problem. Your Marketing Materials should include information about how much your company is available for communication and the range of options you offer.

Fix common customer pain points that require less effort

There are many customer pain points that do not require significant investment from your company to address. For example, a typical customer pain point is barbaric employees. Easy to fix. You may need to do some research on what customers actually think is rude (rather obvious) and train your employees on how to handle aggressive or rude customers without negotiation. Here are some other common pain points:

Hearing is not happening. Customers hate repeating themselves because they feel that you are not involved in the conversation and are focused on helping them.

Keeping customers on edge. Like the last point, the customer does not like to be forgotten or underestimated. Keeping customers on hold is a quick way to lose customers in a world where customers expect immediate answers and attention. According to some research, keeping customers on hold for a minute can cause up to 60% of them to hang.

Provide clarity and transparency

There is nothing wrong with taking customers on a journey for a better future for your company. If you are making changes to address pain points, let your customers know. If you’ve made changes in the past, telling an article about how you have identified and resolved these pain points is a great way to let customers know that you care about their experience. It gives customers more confidence in your brand because they want you to prioritize their customer experience.

The Bottom line

Identifying customer pain points and providing solutions to them can bring a variety of benefits to your business. You attract new customers who are tired of the pain and frustration you have with your competitors. You can convince past or former customers to return to your business by telling them how you have improved. You have the opportunity to retain the customers you already have by constantly improving their experience with excellent service.

Customers are now more concerned about getting an excellent service that exceeds their expectations and will be conflict-free from start to finish than ever before. This is not an easy task for businesses in the digital age, but with the explosion in AI and other advanced technologies, we are finally delivering.

No matter how competitive the business landscape is, you can never sit back and ignore the actual experiences of your customers or your potential customers. You need to take the time to make a plan to deal with your customer pain points. How would you like to ask customers? Would you like to invite them to your office or public place where they can express their honest opinion? Would you like to send them a free text survey online? Both are great options. The first step is to learn the pain points, and then think of solutions and, finally, to implement the solutions. It’s time to start!

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