If you’ve read my blog, you may know that I like in-text advertising as a website monetization solution that does not block visitors and I also work for a text provider. But I know some people are still against in-text. So to help them, I wanted to come up with the first ten reasons not to use in-text ads. That way, when your text-savvy friends boast about how good they are, you have some reason why you should not use in-text ads.


The 10 Reasons Not To Use In-Text Ads

Let’s figure out those 10 reasons that why the in-text ad is not that good option.

1. They do not jump around

We all love sleek animated banners that do anything with the technology that interrupts our reading, especially banners that expand to cover half a page, creepy sounds, and shut-downs. Hide X so you can not find it. So, as a website publisher, why would you want to use subtle, non-intrusive, substantial advertising without bothering your visitors while reading your content. Tell them you want to be excited with a video character who moves clearly and steps on your valuable writing rather than cute little double underline links.

2. Too much money corruption

Having too much money creates the illusion of power and leads to corruption. Who needs it? Or who needs it? Text ads earn extra revenue from the website without affecting other sources of revenue. Keep this extra cash in a corrupt way tell *****. When someone tells you how to monetize your website with in-text ads – say no. Not to double your income. Not much money.

3. Web programmers are losing their jobs

These are difficult times and web programmers and developers are losing their jobs anyway as the economy slows down. Integrating text ads into a website is very easy. It takes less than a minute to paste a single line of code into a website and contains only text ads. They have no website changes, no new code, no programming or development, no IT, no QA – what do all our colleagues and friends do? Avoiding statements in the text will help them continue their work.

4. They make the affiliate program look bad


In-text Ads


Affiliate Program Rules. We strive to collaborate with affiliate programs and promote links to their marketing efforts. Good affiliate plans have an exchange rate of about 1%, which means that for every 100 clicks we receive on our website, we pay 1 affiliate fee. Those in-text ads are on a pay-per-click basis (PPC) – each click is paid to the website publisher. Every click. It shows poorly our favorite pay-per-acquisition and pay-per-lead affiliate programs.

5. You need to create real content

When you have nothing new to write on your blog when you can not find a good video or image to upload when your website is empty with new content … who do you turn to? Advertising banners! We cover our website with real estate for ads: large squares, skyscrapers, leaderboards, we can get anything to fill that space. 

Who needs quality content when you have great advertising? But those in-text ads, which take up no space on the website, do not cover real estate. It’s very easy to find in-text ads in your content, so they force us to come up with original content. That was horrible.

6. No new unrelated items

It is a good idea to place ads around the website content in different ideas that are not related to the content. You can read the landmark post about the Manhattan Project and the banner announcing the new season of Project Runway. It opens your mind to new horizons. Because the ad is linked to the actual word in the content, it is very relevant and completes the content. So, with in-text relevance, how do you get acquainted with new topics?

7. We are accustomed to ad interruptions

We suck commercials. From the moment we wake up, when we go to work or school, in our office or classroom, in the afternoon, in front of the TV and PC, until we close our eyes to sleep all day (as well as, sometimes even at home) – advertisers fight for our vision, in every work we do We are interrupted. In-text ads are different.

Two-line links tell us that they have an ad behind them and are asking for our permission – Interested? Give a hover. Then, only when we are interested in an ad for the bubble, do we click on it. In-text ads do not stick to our faces. But we are accustomed to those ads everywhere. If all ads seek our permission, like in-text ads, we will lose those valuable distractions. Tell them you need interruptions like the air you breathe!

8. No one likes advertisers


In-text Ads


People generally do not like advertisers and marketers. Sad but true. In-text ads get high-quality scores from advertisers. It makes sense. If the visitor actually allows the ad to be exposed and actively shows interest (by hovering and then clicking), there is a good chance that he or she is actually interested in the advertiser’s content. From an advertiser perspective, it is the next best thing after search ads and much better than banner and contextual ads surrounding content. When you use in-text advertising, you make advertisers happy and why would you want to do that ?!

9. You should analyze CPM and CTR

Do you want to receive payments without work-related incentives? If so, stay away from in-text ads. Integrating in-text ads on your website is easy and the money comes in immediately. But again, you can always earn more with simple changes.

Improvements like color, illustration texture, number of hooks, page position, blacklist keywords, whitelist keywords, etc. may require a little work and can be added up to your bottom line. Alas, to get these high return numbers, you need to look at your eCPM and CTR and analyze some data … it is possible to double your money, but if you are afraid of any work, you are better off keeping your distance.

10. Any other reason?

The tenth reason is your choice. When thinking about the top 10 reasons not to use in-text advertising, I found that they do not fly like our favorite banners; They make a lot more money than you, which can lead to corruption; They are a threat to the jobs of web programmers because they are so easy to integrate;

Pays per click model makes affiliate programs worse; You need to create real original content; They are so relevant, we are not exposed to new irrelevant issues; They reduce the ad interruptions we are accustomed to, And they can make advertisers happy with high-quality scores and nobody likes advertisers … here are 9 reasons.

Can you think of any other reason not to use in-text ads? if so please reply in the comment section. Thank You

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