Any ad campaign must be adapted to the right moment. It happens, as has been the case for two months, that a campaign calendar is questioned by the ups and downs of the coronavirus, such as the cancellation of all the shows or events that had planned advertising campaigns such as the books, the franchise show, the car show …. By dint of getting used to communicating the presence in the shows, it was necessary to review all advertising communications and consider new advertising campaigns adapted to the context.

What makes a good ad campaign?

Just go through the informative video below explaining the psychology of good advertising for a better understanding. So, to find out what makes a good ad campaign?

However, advertising has become an essential means of communication with customers. It is the message you want to put in their minds and in order to convey this message effectively, certain conditions must be met. Here are our instructions for successful advertising.

The importance of advertising for your business

An advertisement plays a decisive role in the increase and duration of sales. A company that does without it runs the risk of being less present in the mind of the consumer. One of the goals of an advertising campaign is to make you gain notoriety. So, if you’re in the launch phase, your goal in using the process is to convince the customer to buy your new product or service. Therefore, your advertising should be as attractive as possible. If you are in the process of retaining your customers, you will need to develop a feeling of proximity, following the example of Macdonald’s, who in his latest advertising campaigns encourages people to come “as you are” to his restaurants, without highlighting his products. Whatever the time of your business,

Target your customers

Before launching your advertising campaign, determine in advance what audience you want to reach. This step is to research the audience(s): youth, adults, women, etc. Know precisely who your campaign is aimed at so that it is as relevant as possible. Address a community and not an end customer to capture the largest number of consumers and, of course, choose the right moment or moments depending on the type of product or service. Some products can be purchased once a year, others can be used every day…

Determine media type

Today, the media are innumerable: electronic messages, flyers, paper magazines, radio, television spots, and the Internet. Your challenge is to focus on the most appropriate or several, whether it is 100% web communication or various media. For example, the Crédit Coopératif bank, which launched a “100% web and social network” campaign with a 28-second video spot broadcast on the Internet, or luxury advertisements that invest in the most varied media (television campaigns, women’s magazines, newspapers, etc).

What are the desired impacts and results?

what makes a good ad campaign 1

For your advertising campaign to be successful, give it four goals to achieve:
Understanding: the customer is aware of the existence of the product or service, and understands its attributes and its purpose.
The affective notion: your advertising should make people “want to try the product”, creating a positive image in the customer’s mind.
Impact: the campaign will facilitate action, increase motivation to buy, and reduce barriers to purchase.
Memorization: a good advertising campaign is a campaign that lasts in the minds of consumers, they can remember the essential elements without having them in front of them.

Innovation in the face of strong competition

In an environment where advertising is essential to attract customers, competition is increasingly fierce. It is essential to distinguish yourself to occupy the first place in the minds of consumers. Innovation must be one of your priorities so as not to become the umpteenth advertisement that “makes you look pretty” or “makes you lose weight”. Nike this year carries out an original communication by removing the backboard of a bench that allows sitting and indicates “RUN” to encourage people to play sports.

The slogan, bearer of your message

The slogan should draw attention and convey a message. The shorter and more original it is, the better it will be remembered, so be creative! Like L’Oréal, the world leader in beauty, and its slogan “Because we’re worth it.” At the time when advertising focused on prices, L’Oréal, which offered expensive colorants, managed to deflect this aspect, by emphasizing that women were worth it (regardless of price), a success that endured over time followed . . We can also mention Danette, the dessert cream, who knew how to conquer her audience during her television spots with her slogan “We all get up for Danette”, who does not have in mind the little lullaby?

The body of the text, as the heart of the campaign

a good ad campaign body of the text

Once you’ve found your tagline, the accompanying text will continue to convey your message, this time with more detail. This is not necessarily a technical description of their products, it can be highlighted through a conversation, a staging, a children’s song… For example, the Nespresso ads, which show the discussion between George Clooney and several famous actors like Jean Dujardin, whose messages want to show that coffee is intense and that its notoriety is ahead of that of the stars.

Pay special attention to the result.

Your budget must be concrete and realistic, evaluating how much to allocate to each operation, to each medium. Do not forget to measure the results obtained in relation to the budget invested, you just have to optimize it!

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