The organization of electronic mailing lists ranks second in popularity and efficiency among the existing methods of advertising on the Internet. The first place is occupied by sites, including one page or the so-called Landing Pages.

Email marketing is considered a powerful tool to advertise a company, brand, product, and even website. Its use is highly recommended by experts in the field of promotion and marketing. It turns out to be quite simple to get a client’s email address. One of the rules of marketing is not to give anything for free. This means the exchange of something useful for the client (for example, watching a video) for his coordinates on the network.

Active fight against spam

You should use the received phone number or email address immediately after the interaction occurred, as long as the client remembers about you. But there is one important clarification, emailing and sending outright spam are completely different things. Sites that abuse users’ trust receives sanctions on their domains, blocking of their email addresses, and sometimes clash with law enforcement agencies.

Here are just some of the specific steps that various entities are taking to stop spam:

  • add domains to the “black” list;
  • configure the system to send any spam message containing your domain ;
  • automatically put e-mails received from your address in the spam folder;
  • block accounts that distribute useless or even malicious content ;
  • brought to administrative responsibility, actually fined, which corresponds to the Federal Law “On Advertising”.

How to avoid being listed as spammers?

There are a number of rules to follow in order not to fall prey to frivolous behavior. We list just a few of them:

  • use a database collected by you personally or by employees, purchased analogs often fail;
  • obtain customer consent to send advertisements to their email addresses;
  • enable two-level authorization, this will help protect against attempts to accuse the site of sending spam;
  • save the obtained consent within the framework of the resource and confirmations from electronic mailboxes;
  • update the subscriber base, remove from it clients with whom there has been no interaction for a long time;
  • remind users in each letter for what reason it was sent to them;
  • notify you of the opportunity to unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time;
  • monitor the quality of formatting and design of letters, titles, headers;
  • remove literary clichés, spam triggers (words typical for such events) from the mailing list.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that search engines, mail services, and other services on the network – use spam filters, which include 45 words that are often used in advertising. The screenshot shows the entire list. It is compiled by Unisender. It is best to avoid these words when writing advertisements.

How to get consent to subscribe?


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I must say right away that it is better to use honest methods. They are safer and more efficient. We offer several options when customers are happy to leave their email addresses:

  • seeing a direct offer from the site to which the transition was made (this is what interested guests do);
  • having received a notification about the possibility to receive mailings in the personal account of your system;
  • filling out the form for purchase and payment;
  • exchanging something useful for yourself for what you get for free.

Also, email addresses are left in pop-up forms when the client is already leaving the site. It remains to obtain consent to the subscription. The easiest and most secure way is a two-level authorization. The customer first agreed to leave an email address. When he receives it and responds (by clicking on the activation link), his consent to the newsletter is confirmed.

Usually, website visitors are worried that they will be inundated with unnecessary information or will be using their email for some other, even illegal, purpose. It is worth preventing such panic moods. An e-mail address is needed to compile an attractive offer and it is better to tell users directly about it. 

Also, if possible, inform: the site guarantees the confidentiality and security of storing the received data. A big plus for the resource will be the availability of reviews from other subscribers, as well as a counter showing the number of people who have joined. These two factors increase the credibility of the site.

Working with reliable, trust partners is of great importance for the site. There are two options for cooperation:

  • placing a subscription form on a donor resource;
  • the partner leaves a recommendation to subscribe to a specific site.

The last way to get a subscription from the most popular is to offer customers a modest bonus that will be enjoyable. In many cases, it turns out not only to attract new users but also to gain their loyalty. This is expressed by their recommendation to the company on social media.

Mailing methods

Having a database of 50 – 300 e-mail addresses, the sending of letters is usually carried out independently by means of ordinary applications: Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, similar. But note that these services are not intended for mass mailings of 3 or more hundred. There are very similar designs but intended for professional use. With their help, send messages to thousands and even tens of thousands of email addresses. You also have options here:

  • do everything yourself using the services 
  • to use the forces of specialized companies offering such services for rather a modest remuneration

A little more detail on pop-ups. It is not recommended to use them as soon as the visitor appears on the site. They can be launched as part of an online chat or for guests leaving the resource. Today you can often come across notifications “Didn’t find what you were looking for?”, “Leaving already?” and the like. In practice, this method turned out to be highly effective, it significantly increases the number of subscribers.

Working with reliable, trust partners is of great importance for the site. There are two options for cooperation:


Build online presence with trusted marketing software (en)

  • placing a subscription form on a donor resource;
  • the partner leaves a recommendation to subscribe to a specific site.

The last way to get a subscription from the most popular is to offer customers a modest bonus that will be enjoyable. In many cases, it turns out not only to attract new users but also to gain their loyalty. This is expressed by their recommendation to the company on social media.

How often should you send letters?

There are several conventional wisdom that mailings should be sent once and you can forget about the client, often, rarely (but these are relative concepts). Large online stores, as well as email marketing professionals, conduct experiments, tests, or simply study the statistics of the effectiveness of such events, depending on the frequency of repetitions.

For online stores, there is a special approach to the time of sending messages. But now we will focus on classic purely advertising mailings tied to selling / promoting projects. Although the main difference between the two types of resources lies exclusively on the first day. It is recommended for the online store to send mailings immediately after the purchase, 12 hours after it, and on the third day.

In other cases, one should adhere to this opinion: new subscribers give the most effective results. But on the condition that they will be reminded of the company for 1, 3, 5 days after confirmation of consent to receive letters. In the future, you should adhere to the rule: more often sending, but shorter text.

At the same time, another approach to sending letters is being considered. For example, 6-7 am is the most effective and leads to higher CTR. Tuesday is the best option, bringing in many more visits and purchases than the rest. Weekends are the next most effective.

Last recommendation

Even when you have switched to fully automated communication with a client, it is worth remembering that these are people. They should be addressed by name, with respect. Together with promotions, it is advisable to send congratulations on the holidays, invitations to participate in surveys, or just read an interesting article.

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