If you are an online marketer, you know that starting with pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a lot more. First, it’s full of new digital advertising terms that are unique to us, so we created this selected digital advertising glossary.

The following is a (relatively) non-terminological definition of the most common digital advertising terms. Getting acquainted with these will help you navigate the world of online advertising and gain more value from our upcoming blog posts about digital advertising and digital marketing.

Glossary of important Digital Advertising terms

Google ads

This is one of the advertising terms that Google provides to businesses that wish to display ads on Google and its advertising networks. The AdWords program allows businesses to set budgets for advertising and earn money only when people click on ads. The advertising service mainly focuses on keywords. See PPC

The audience

The target market for an ad is usually defined in terms of a specific population (age, gender) and psychology (interests, behaviors).

A/B Test

A method used to compare different versions of digital advertising or website landing pages is used to determine which works best. A simple A/B test for advertising involves running two ads together and measuring which version gets the best response from the audience. When running A/B tests, only one element in the statements should be changed.

This is because the goal of these tests is to identify which variables produce the best responses from the audience. Once the winner is selected, it is used as a follow-up control and comparison with another version to identify and identify the advertising element that causes the audience to respond positively to the ad.

Above the fold

A term is taken from the print advertising industry. Above the fold describes the area of ​​the webpage that appears before the website visitor scrolls through the page. Note No set pixel size for folds; This varies depending on the screen size and resolution of the visitor.

Account-Based Advertising

A strategy in account-based marketing (ABM) strategy. This is a method that only displays ads for specific titles in the target accounts you specify. For example, if you are marketing a new type of food packaging to General Mills, you may be targeting multi-level responsibilities such as Senior Product Manager, Senior Product Marketer, VP. Product marketing. Your ads will only be shown to people who work at General Mills and have these titles.

Ad Audience

The total number of people who are added, or exposed, over a period of time.

Advertising banners

The most common form of digital advertising. These ad units, which contain static graphics, video, and/or interactive rich media, are displayed on a web page or application.

Ad Click

The action is taken when a user interacts with an ad by clicking with their mouse or pressing enter on their keyboard.

Ad Exchange

A technology-enabled marketplace that allows Internet publishers and advertisers to buy and sell ad lists in real-time auctions. Advertising exchange is the departure from the traditional method of purchasing advertising listing,

where advertisers and publishers negotiate prices to display ads on a specific website. With Ad Exchange, the auction is conducted in real-time, offering an instant bid for the ad space available on the Internet.

Ad Impressions

The number of times an ad is shown, regardless of how the user actually sees or interacts with the ad. 

Advertising List

Website publishers provide ads to visitors on a web page. The number of ads that can be displayed is considered their ad inventory. For example, if Gotham Times had an average of 1,000 visits per week to their homepage and space for two display ads on their homepage, their potential advertising list would be 2,000 impressions per week.

Advertising Network

A vendor that connects advertisers with publishers. Advertising networks serve as a single point of contact between publishers and advertisers, helping to negotiate supply and demand.

Advertising service

Distribution of ads from the webserver to the end-user device, where the ads are displayed in a browser or application.

Ad target (see also: behavioral target, contextual target, and geographical target.)

Ad Unit

Size and format specification for the ad. The Interactive Advertising Bureau, a trade association that promotes digital advertising standards and practices, has a set of guidelines for size. learn about the Ad unit in detail.


Data and statistics about website users and how they interact with the website. Analytics can be used to extract information about how many people browse a website, how much time they spend on a website, and the specific actions they take on a website. This information is used to target audiences, understand user behavior, improve user experience, and optimize advertising campaigns.

Bounce rate

A bounce rate is a website visit in which visitors only see the page they landed on, did not interact with it, and then exited the site. The bounce rate expresses such visits as a percentage of total visitor sessions over a period of time.

For example, suppose a website has 100 sessions a day. (This is different for 100 visitors. Any visitor can visit multiple times, and each counts as one session.) If 75% of visits bounce, the bounce rate is 75%. High bounce rates often indicate a poorly designed landing page.

Call to Action (CTA)

A graphic element, such as a phrase or button included in an ad, invites the audience to take a specific action. To learn more about CTA click here.

Acquisition Cost (CPA)

The cost of acquiring a customer. It is usually calculated by dividing the total amount spent on a campaign by the number of customers gained by that campaign. Learn about CPA in detail

Conversion pixels

1 × 1 image pixel (like a thank you page) placed on a web page is triggered whenever a conversion takes place. Is usually transparent. The first is to take the number of users who have completed the conversion and divide it by the total number of stamps displayed. The second, more common approach is to take the number of users who have completed the conversion and divide it by the total number of users who clicked on the ad.

Conversion rate

When expressed as a percentage, the conversion rate is calculated by dividing the number of views or visits by the number of form fillings.

Conversion tracking

Monitoring how many conversions have occurred over a period of time and analyzing which ads have led to conversions.


Information stored in the Website Visitor Browser. The cookie tracks the visitor’s activity on the website and is used to remember the visitor’s behavior and preferences. These are not transferable to all browsers.

This statistic, expressed as a percentage of total impressions, shows how often people who view an ad click on it. The CTR of an ad is calculated by converting the number of clicks received by an ad to a percentage of how many times it appears. For example, if an ad receives 5 clicks and is shown 1000 times, the CTR is 0.5%. The higher the CTR in an ad, the better it works.

Banner ads

It is a form of online advertising and embedding of advertising on a web page.


It means ‘click per cost‘. The price an advertiser pays a publisher for clicking on an ad that brings the user to his or her intended destination.


It means ‘Price of a Thousand Impressions’ and is another measure of the cost-effectiveness that allows you to compare the price of this ad with other ads. The CPM media cost is divided by the seals divided by 1000.

Cross channel

It refers to technology or media that applies to many formats and many devices. This is different from “cross-device”, which means only multi-device applications rather than multiple formats across devices.


It means ‘click-through rate’ and is a metric that measures the number of clicks your ad (s) will receive for each impression. This statistic, expressed as a percentage of total impressions, shows how often people who view an ad click on it.

The CTR of an ad is calculated by converting the number of clicks received by an ad to a percentage of how many times it appears. For example, if an ad receives 5 clicks and is shown 1000 times, the CTR is 0.5%. The higher the CTR in an ad, the better it works.

Performance announcement

This is the form of online advertising in which the advertiser’s message is displayed on a website, usually set at the top or bottom or in a box on one side of the page.


It refers to ‘digital out-of-home advertising, which means digital advertising that is marketed to consumers while they are “on the go”, in transit, in commercial areas, or in waiting areas. Learn about DOOH advertising in detail.


Double page spread is an ad size of two full pages of the publication. This is one of the most expensive advertisements because it has a huge impact.


This is the average number of times an ad is presented to an audience. One way to calculate the frequency is to divide by the number of effects reached. Another way is to divide the GRP by the percentage reached.


Showing individuals’ ads based on their mobile device, postal code information submitted during site/service registration, or GPS coordinates collected by the site/service.


It means ‘gross rating point’ and it is a measure of the advertising campaign size by a particular medium or schedule. Calculated by multiplying the number of spots by the GRP rating.


These are the total number of exposures for your ad. An individual may experience multiple exposures over time. If an ad is shown five times to a person, it counts as five effects. Impressions are gained in a fluid, global, diffused way.


This is the actual location of the ad – digital or otherwise, as recorded by the ad server.


The ‘Key Performance Indicator is a measurable value that shows how effectively a company is achieving key business goals. learn more about KPI

Media cost

This is the price you pay for delivering your ad. There are many ways to value media, including points, impressions, clicks, leads, tasks, days, weeks, months, etc. However, it ultimately depends on the amount you pay to display your ad, which is the cost of the media. Media costs do not include advertising preparation costs and other costs.

Media market

It describes the group of people who are potentially exposed to your ad. The media market is often defined using designated market segments or DMAs (these are trademarked by Nielsen). However, the media market can be any market you define.

Message Recall

The measure is used to assess the effectiveness of advertising in raising a brand or the ability of an audience to remember the message it is intended to convey. Usually measured using the control/exposure survey method.


It refers to advertisements outside the home that refer to any advertisement found in commercial or public places.


Refers to a person who is permitted to use data collected for specific reasons, such as marketing a company’s products and services.


This is the total number of people in your media market.


Standing up for ‘pay per click is a form of internet marketing in which advertisers have to pay a fee every time they click on one of their ads. Most importantly, it’s a way to buy visits to your site, rather than trying to “earn” those visits systematically. Search engine advertising is one of the most popular forms of PPC.


This is the market percentage (0 to 100) where your ad is most likely to be exposed. A rating is an estimate based on past performance that is often obtained from surveys.


This is the number (or percentage) of people in the market who are likely to be exposed to the niche of advertising.


Potential customer. In digital advertising, the lead is the person who provided you with their contact information, often by signing up for a newsletter or by filling out a form to download an ebook or other gated content.

Lookalike Audience: If you look like most businesses, you know who your customers are from a demographic and psychological perspective. Look for people who are similar to your current customers to help improve your conversion rates. You can use Lookalike Audience when you run online displays, Facebook, mobile displays, or other types of digital marketing campaigns.

Mobile Search

An Internet search is performed on a mobile device.

Local Advertising

Any payment ad that cannot be separated from the channel will be used to provide it.


Floating ad on-webpage content, graphics, or video. Overlaps are not blocked by ad-blocking software. One type of overlap is called a lightbox. These ads start out as a standard, scalable ad unit.

If a user hovers over an ad for a certain amount of time (often two seconds), the ad expands (closer to the full page) but the page behind it shrinks, increasing the priority on the ad. Advertisers pay for the number of extensions that ads contain.

Paid Search

Advertising placement in search engine results.


Opens a new browser window that loads on top of the current webpage. Pop-ups are driven by the script (e.g., JavaScript); Therefore, blocking can be done and through a wide variety of software that is generally available. Learn more about Pop-ups.


Similar to the pop-up loaded under your current webpage. This is generally considered less intrusive than pop-ups because visitors often do not see it until they click to close their current browser session.

Programmatic Media Purchasing

An automated method of media purchasing that ensures that advertisers reach the right people at the right time, at the right time. Ads are purchased based on a set of parameters predetermined by the company placing the ads.

Programmatic ads use data to determine which ads to buy in real-time, which improves efficiency and increases the effectiveness of ads. (See also Ed Exchange.)


The total number of people who saw your message. The person who submits your ad five times and clicks on it will receive 1.5 impressions and a 20% click-through rate.


Showing ads to people who have previously visited your website. learn more about remrketing.

Rich Media

Interactive media such as quizzes, games, and videos, and ads with special effects. This category is growing rapidly. 

Search Ads

Another term for paid search.

Social advertising

Implementing paid advertising on online social networking platforms such as Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter. Examples of local ads are sponsored content on news websites and Facebook timeline ads.


Used to measure user behavior after an ad is shown. If viewing through the window is set to 90 days, user-related actions during that period may be attributed to ads. Therefore, if a customer purchases a pair of headphones within 90 days of showing an ad for those headphones, they will receive a partial or full feature ad for that purchase.


It is one of the ad words used to describe the size of a printed or digital ad. Skyscraper is a long, slender online ad (often one of two sizes: 120 × 600 and 160 × 600).


This is the only broadcast of an ad. Usually, there are multiple spots in the ad placement.


This is the percentage of clicks versus impressions on the ad on a particular page. This is also known as the “ad click rate”.

This was all about the glossary of important digital advertising terms. Don’t forget to share and leave your comments. Thank You.

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